Tuesday, 26 September 2017

shah fway

lol that´s the ingles (english) pronunciation of a very common term in tina. The words, "ya fue" (shah fway) signify when something like already happened or something? Tbh (to be honest) not sure but they use it a bunch haha
anyways, ya fue mi primero traslado en argentina y idk (my first transfer in Argentina has past and i don't know) how to handle it my dudes!  Time flies and it´s freaky but it´s also mega mega fun.  I´m still in Pringles for this transfer!  I was ultra nervous cuz my mom (eddy) got a new job and as STL (sister training leader) she will need to travel a bunch and we were ultra scared that she wouldn´t have time for a child (i´m still in training) and either she was leaving or I was leaving or los dos (both of us) were leaving to different places and yikes it was freaky haha like I understand that it´s 2017 and everything buuuuut I really didn´t want to have 2 moms lol yikes
okay so big news, we´re using pants lol and it´s awesome but I learned that we´ll be using pants for the next 8 MONTHS OR SO??  unsure about how I feel but for now i dig.  mucho.
okay so I have a bit of beef (lol) with the people of tina solo porque cuando (only because when) we´re out walking and talking to people and such nearly everyone uses the word "nena" when referring to me.  Nena means child.  baby.  Infant etc.  Like, perdon, perooooooo (excuse me, but), I´m not an infant lol.  NO JOKE everyone has this freaky thing cuz everyone always turns to eddy and says stuff like, "ooohhh pero ella solo es una nena! 19 anos.. justo una nena!"  (oh, but she is just a child, 19 years, truly a child) k so I never thought I´d be the person to say this but, ya gur is not a child.  To all the people who have viewed the spectacular film "The Sound Of Music" should know the song where the chick and dude are singing about age and the one year difference is huge?  yes, the people of tina believe that too lol cuz they freak cuz my one year age diff with eddy is apparently enough to warrent me an infant and ella una mujer.  ya fue. (she a woman. It happened.)
also, the song of the week is Broken by Bob Dylan.  lol I thought I could escape the scathing voice of bob in tina, pero (but) during lunch yesterday we were jamming to bobby d and watching the futbol highlights lol.  This is the life and I dig it.
SORRY FOR NO PICS, the place we´re at is confusing with the pics soooo i´ll figure it out next week.  ALso we´re getting elders in pringles tomorrow woah.

Denice notes:
More pictures snet my way

Monday, 18 September 2017

whats love got to do with it

hola my dudes lol so the people of pringles have taken my heart and it{s awesome (also i{m writing in a bus terminal and the apostrophy button ceased to work so i{ll i{ve got to work with is the mustache part of the smiley face leggo.)

k so in the mtc they gave us filtered water bottles cuz we don{t want to die from the water yay and i{ve been using mine cuz as i have been picking up the lang i need to get my kermit on lol jk jk i just really like to be hydrated like all the other healthy humans.  SO my bottle is a must on the accessory list entonces (because) i{m always using mine.  BUT I LOST IT. and i was sad because i love water and couldn{t partake (tries to cry but can{t cuz doesnt have enough water in body to cry lol jk)

soooo i was walking wit my compy to a sita (appointment) and some dude legit with his window down in his truck says CHICAS and pulls over and hops out. I recognize this dude from when eddy and i bought snax for after the baptism and a little nervous cuz hes speaking rapidly and im catching like 36% of whats going down and racking my brain for what I possibly could have stolen by accident until my thoughts are interrupted by SU BOTELLA.(your bottle)

my dudes.

I left my bottle in his store and he had been trying to find me for almost a week and saved my bottle for me until he found me in his store!!!  I love these people cuz they{re so amazingly nice and kind.

So, we went to snag my lifesource in his tienda despues de studies (store after the appointment) and I walked in and i kid you not the 3 workers there all said SU BOTELLA!!!  bahaha the people love me.  Im so glad to be a stupid smiley american with funky spanish lol (:

also, last week we were chillin with some memebers and they gave us a ride in their auto and one of them had to stop and get pan (bread) and we waited in the car and the radio was playing and idk (i don't know) why but american oldies are a favorite here and the song WHATS LOOVE GOT TO DO, GOT TO DO WITH IT?? came on and we jammed with some of the lideres (leaders) lol.  Hugo and Mario were dancing and singing and having a total blast up in the front and it was celestial.


love HH

also, i cant see what pics im uploading soooo yes.

Denice notes:
More pictures from the gal that sends me pics each week.

Monday, 11 September 2017

por f(L)avor

lol sooo I´m jamming to american music rn and I´m ultra content.  The Lord blesses in small and simple ways haha

aight, Ima just start this email off by saying this:  ALMUERZO (lunch) IS A GIANT MIND GAME AND YA GUR (your girl) IS HERE TO PLAY.

so the members are incredible and I love them more than any of you could know, but they are sincerely trying with their incredibley sweet castellano hearts to make me fat.

Round 1:
Small talk.  Compliments.  Sitting around the mesa before lunch and having a good time.  We discuss our weeks and the happenings of the world.  Sometimes they share music that they know I´ll love or news of their people and whatnot.  The goal of this round is to make their prey (yours truly) comfortable and happy.  Happy people eat more, or so they think.

Round 2:
The actual meal.  Mmm my dudes some of these members have a skill that is not widely known in Tina.. that skill is the usage of spices and flavor lol.  It´s so awesome when they use spices!  Flavor is your friend.  But anyways, the goal of this one is to make the victim eat.  And eat.  And eat.  And keep eating lol and it´s rough, but I´ve strategized and I´ve found ways to combat this lol.  Ya gur has learned the invaluable talent of taking the smallest of bites and making them last a whiiiile.  I can make it through half my plate when everyone else has finished their seconds.  (wipes dust off shoulders) yeah, it´s a big deal.

despues (after) de the actual meal and we´re sharing scriptures, the people will sometimes bring out my one weakness...  FRUIT.  my dudes, I´m a freak about good fruit and the members have found my weakness.  But!  I usually just take home my piece of fruit and eat it later (:  The fridge is so amazingly full of fruit I´m so happy haha it´s the best.

also, I had a very adventurous meal this week and got to partake of the various organs of a chicken including intestines (blah not v (very) down wit those) and the HEART.  which was freakily chewy but still chicken flavored??  I didn´t hate it lol.

aaaand we had a baptism saturday which was lit cuz I´ve already got one under my belt and I haven´t even been here a month lol (wipes more dust that somehow got on my shoulder in the past 5 minutes off lol)

aaaaand that´s about it!

I LOVE YOU PEOPLE TO THE MOON and if you see my parents give them hugs for me cuz they´re amazing and they had an anniversary on the 5th and so they´re basically relationship goals. (heart eyes)

HH consumer of hearts and crusher of dreams lol

 1. mean muggin´two months selfie wit my caaash for the month lol

 2. cheesin in cute pringles
(translation - I want to do impossible things)

3. & 4. hood rat(chet) syd back at it

Denice notes:
One sweet family sends me pictures each week so I'm including a couple this time.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

giving Pringles two // enthusiastic // thumbs up

Lol so quick story, I almost lost my right hand this morning washing the dishes.  Lol not really, but I dropped the grater (cuz I like to make my meals just a little on the //zesty// side) and almost grated off the tips of my fingers lol  which I guess is okay cuz then my whole hand would be stubby instead of just my thumbs which is cool lol

It´s the end of the month so eddy and I are kinda dying cuz we can´t get money out of our cards cuz the banks here don´t accept us so we´ve gotten pretty creative with our meals which is actually pretty fun lol  I´m so hyped for grocery shopping my life is a joke baha

ummm, due to the lack of spotify, my music taste is a liiiittle (lottle) different here.  In the mornings, eddy and I get crunk to some good good.  My favorite song thus far is "Concerto for Guitar and String Orchestra, R. 93 in D Major - Allegro quisto" By:  English Chamber Orchestra. Give it a spin lol

Also, product placement cuz I´m tryna get sponsered lol I would 12/10 recommend purchasing a Buff(TM) Windstopper neck gaitor cuz legit I haven´t taken mine off it´s the most sublime thing ever.  I don´t think the people of pringles think I have a neck (I´m honestly unsure at this point yikes)

K, biggest thing of the week.  My life is going downhill at this point lol.  After comp inventory, Hermana Edwards and I could NOT stop laughing and my spirit, heart, mind, and body gave out on me aaaaaaand...... I peed my pants.

Pringles is great, my dudes.



more love please 

 I am who you dream of

I love my mom because she is bursting with light

feliz navidad

hola my doooods! i learned how to use emojis *today* sooo there ya have it. aoeihsefaksbiratlksadf. (i kinda put my face on the keyboard to ...