SO. tina has opened my eyes to this little thing called SPRAY DEODORANT??? it´s savagely freezing and when applied to your delicate pits, it may bring tears to your eyes. THE WORST THING about winter was getting the icy spray of death to your armpits directly after a toasty shower cuuuuz it would suck out all your warmth and will to go on. BUT. when it´s roasty toasty a fuera (as fire), the most amazing feeling ever is that SAVAGE icy feeling on your armpits. I´m pretty sure it takes down your core temp a few notches lol. Also, i think a had a mole in my pit, but gracias a deo (thank goodness), no longer lol
k, but the real thingie for today. I SPEAK MONGOLIAN! yáll thought i´d be only learning spanish or a little guanani, lol not so. Ya gurl is FLUENT in mongolian. Baha, chiste (joking). Una de las familias que (one of the families that) we eat almuerzo con (lunch with) has a dad that´s like the stereotypical dad. Complete with dad clothing, receding hairline, and dad jokes. He loves to play pranks. And one of his fave pranks is to speak in "another language" with the new missionaries. He speaks gibberish and calls it mongolian. When he speaks to you he expects a response and it´s awesome.
SO. in my first encounter with this superpadre, he was speaking mongolian. and i knew it wasn´t spanish ni ingles (nor english), sooooo, i spoke that good good gibberish back lol. He loves it. when everybody´s hanging out at the church after meetings, he´ll speak mongolian to me and i´ll respond and nobody knows what to do cuz some of em think that we´re actually communicating bahaha i love it.
I LOVE YOU DUDES! pull a prank on someone and tell me about it <3
1.torta for delfin
2.gravesite for the torta for delfin
3.mi cutie comp
Notes from Denice:
Delfin is the man Sydney talked about that noticed her baby thumbs.
This cute picture was posted on facebook-
This cute picture was posted on facebook-