Monday, 25 December 2017

I NEED a belt with my big girl pants

i´m super stoked for all of you and i wish you all the best (: i´m pumped this season haha i love christmas.
so my dudes.  I´ve been hit with something really crazy this week.  I have a brand new companion and she´s from Treemonton, Utah and her name is Hermana Finlayson and she´s super sweet, super cute, super awesome, super ready to work, and super ready to learn the language.  I got a YANKY!  aaaaaaaand, i´m feeling a little overwhelmed lol.  I was super comfy just kicked back, letting the older comp take all the hard questions and if i didn´t understand exactly what the people said, no prob, my latina comp has got my back BUT NOW??? i basically got a cute 5´9" package with a tag that says, "para: hermana hyer.  tighten up."
lol, i´m pumped to see how much I learn this transfer and how much hair I lose (;
also, silly story of the week, i made salsa cuz im a freak for that stuff, and one of the jalapeƱos was pretty roasty (cut me some slack the people here think that black pepper is spicy) aaaaand when i was harvesting the seeds for my roof garden (it´s awesome we´re growing spinach rn) i got a bunch of spicy oils on my hands (i think idk for sure) aaaand somehow it got on my chapstick aaaand i spent all day yesterday and i´m rolling with it today with roasty spicy tingly lips lol.  I´m sure it´s healthy?? we´ll see how it goes.
1. familia peredo with melon (heart eyes)

2. hermana monardes (my fave chilean i think)


Monday, 18 December 2017



something happened here in not-so-tranqui lauquen aaand i´m not really sure that i´m excited for it at all.

we got our traslados (transfers) cuuuuz the transfer ended and whatnot aaaand i´m really freaked out.


my dudes. I DONT WANT TO HAVE A CHILD IN THE MISSION. why can´t i just be the cool aunt??? but it´ll be cool ); i´m okay. it´s okay. we´ll be okay. BUT IT DOESNT FEEL OKAY RN

anyways, other than that this semana (week) was mas o menos (more or less) mellow. Lol i started using lip plumpers (chiste) cuz the stress from the other semana gave me a straight up (what i´m gonna call it) ulcer in my mouth lol that sucked a lot haha please do your yoga and eat green smoothies or whatever cuz ulcers are very un-fun. But it´s okay now! I bought something to make it better.

We walked over to the local farmacia and i flashed the dude the abomination that is my lower lip and he hooked us up with a rhubarb flavored savage substance that killed all the nerve endings in my lip and numbed it up for like 6 hours.  It´s awesome.

The highlight of the whole experience was probably when i had to brush my teeth holding my lip out of the way and drooling everywhere haha it was super gross and way funny

whish me luck!!!


(can´t send pics cuz the compu´s weird)

Monday, 11 December 2017

so granola i'm like quaker oats

so, primero (first), i´ll just start by saying that i love my comp hah she´s super hilarious and way awesome.
so.  the other lunes (Monday) we were working in the evening and stumbled upon a spikey plant about 2 metros tall with a giant thing of white flowers on top.  Hna cuyuch was freaking out cuz supongo (supposedly) in guatemala, the people eat the flowers in a sopa (soup) kinda thing or with huevos (eggs) hah.  SO.  we asked the dude who´s house it was by if we could snatch his flowers for our breakfast the next day and he was like, ¨"okay???" and so! we snatched em.
and the next day (or 2 i can´t remember) we ate em.
and they actually weren´t bad!  I dug it!
Another cosa nola (new thing), we found a tree with a buncha berries on it and picked them and made berry popsicles!  super super yummy.
We had to spend the weekend in Pehuajo for various reasons, so in Pehuajo, we had adventures!  Idk what it is about me doing divisiones (exchanges), but every time i do it, it seems like some wierd abuelito (grandpa) knows and comes to find me.  This week, an old blind dude was asking for help, so we helped him find his way and at first he was holding my shoulder (okay) and then my forearm (still okay) and then my hand (yikes) and tryna kiss my hand and everything.  MY DUDES WHY ARE THE OLD GUYS FREAKY.
also, we only got 8 hours of sleep from friday to sunday and i thought i was gonna die lol.
until next week
HH (aka jon from the piano guys cuz we´ve only listened to their xmas album 70+ times this week, no joke.)
1. club of flowers

2. bowl of flowers

3. food of flowers

4. gum pix

Notes from Denice:
Sydney does not have a parasite.

Monday, 4 December 2017

it's not ratchet, it's resourceful.

i´ve learned a number of life lessons in my time here in freakin tina. 1) everyone here should be swimmers cuz the lungs in these people have no end. 2) the people of argentina have hacked the genetic code so that they can be 5 foot nada and 80 kilos but still have legs chicken thin. 3) don´t buy anything you can´t ratchet your way out of.
it´s awesome.  por ejemplo,
it seems that all the houses in tina like to have a window conveiniently placed by the shower so you can enjoy the views a fuera (outside). and vice versa.  soooo we´ve taken it upon ourselves to do as the tinans do: get ratchet.  we cut up a skirt (from the endless piles of hoarders past. aka: missionaries that used to live in our home) and hot glued it to the window lol
we buy powdered milk cuz it´s cheaper and you can also make your own "skim milk" (which is just water milk lol.) whiiich makes the powder last a lot longer lol
i made an organizer thing for our utensils cuz the compulsion has gotten *that bad* out of an old food container?? (idk where it came from, no joke missionaries are hoarders) and paper and tape lol.
hna cuyuch didn´t have a poncho thing so we shared mine in the streets until a member straight up wrapped cuyuch in a giant plastic bag and we chilled with that.  it was hilarious.
we always, always accept food from everyone.  which isn´t ratchet.  just different lol especially when it´s ARMADILLO.
long story short: i made armadillo curry for lunch one day lol
unrelated note:  I think i have a parasite lol
(scripture of the week Alma 26:1-3)
1. cuyuch in her giant plastic bag

2. rando fruit i tried from the street lol

3. armadillo curry

Denice notes:
From an email to me - 
WE RODE BIKES AND I WAS SO SO SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY i miss bikes so very much.  almost as much as i miss my fam ;) <3

feliz navidad

hola my doooods! i learned how to use emojis *today* sooo there ya have it. aoeihsefaksbiratlksadf. (i kinda put my face on the keyboard to ...