Monday, 26 March 2018

mil locuras

yomiieeezzzzz! how have you beeennnnn!!!

K, this week was actually insane.  just gonna start with that.  Everyone wanted something from us everyday and i´ve never talked on the phone sooo mucchhhhh lol jk, it rly wasn´t that bad, just sharing the gospel and everyone is rly hype about it i suppose.  

lol there´s also a real life saying here that people say that when someone walks a toooon they say, "golly, you walked more than a mormon today!!"

i´m here to tell you it´s untrue.  nobody walks more than we do lol.  but i love it.

soooo idk what else to tell ya, entre todo lo loco (amid all the craziness), we taught some cool stuff, learned a lot, met some really awesome poeple and enjoyed ourselves.  We met some random dude in a park and he made us wire rings, also we met some dudes that came here from Columbia backpacking.  IT¨S POSSIBLE AND I´M SOOOO STOKED TO DO IT. lol maybe, we´ll see.

also, this week everyone developed some sudden thirst to talk to the yanky.  we got soooo many new people to talk to because they were all like, "you´re white.  why are you different. let´s talk." and compu and i were like, "i mean if you´re down XD"

It´s also gotten colddddd and my salvation in the apartment is a sock full of rice that i microwave lol.  I´ve used it so much i´ve started to cook the rice inside lol whoops.


1. he put a ring on it

2. nasty pila cleaning (idk how it got like this)

3. 6 chicas en casa!!

4. freakin tinans love enya lol (me too)

Monday, 19 March 2018

going, going,

..aaand i stayed lol. the biggest curve of the mission, i´d say.

No joke my people, i had my bags half packed and was ready to blast off buuuut i got some savage noticias (news).
la primera (the first): i´m staying.
la segunda (the second):  I WAS PREGNANT AND DIDN´T EVEN KNOW IT.

sooo I traveled my little self over to Bahía to buscar (find) my lil child and she´s awesome!  Se llama (Her name is) hermana López and she´s super cool! from Rosario, just a short 8 hours away in colectivo. it´s super fun having a latina again (: the members have been making fun of my crappy spanish for the past week so it´s about get sooo much better lol

Lil adventures from the week!
1. an investigator came to church (milagro) (miracle) and before he left he was sure to give me a note full of ways that we can all get better with the talks and whatnot lol
2. I ALMOST PIERCED MY EAR AGAIN IN MY SLEEP.  that was a freaky way to wake up.  My earring wouldn´t go in and i couldn´t figure out why it hurt so badly soooo i w
ent over to the mirror aaaaand i half-pierced my ear lol.  i didn´t finish the job cuz i´m weak lol chiste.
3. i lost my floss traveling and didn´t have it for 3 days and almost died but i bought more so my pearlies are happyyyyy.

also i rly loved reading Alma 48:7-20 and relating Moroni but as a missionary.  The war stuff is all a metaphor, friends.  Prep yourselves to get all philosophical and whatnot.


1. facemasks w. fina

2. new head cover (with aluminum foil lining, of course)

3. Baby cheetah

4. compu from afar

Monday, 12 March 2018

let's get down to business

*cue Mulan*
(i love that movie, someone watch it for me this week plz lol)

so some of the coolest things ever happened this week, but i think the thing that made me the happiest was when I shook the hands of a shaking man in church yesterday.

Wayyy back in November I met one of the friends of some menos activos (less actives).  We swung by carnicería (butcher shop) and learned about him and what he believed and whatnot.  He had some pretty freaky strong opinions and nada que ver (nothing to do) with whatever we believe.  He was respectful, but 600% not interested.  But that´s okay!  He was nice and we always said hi and chatted when we saw each other in the streets.

Fast forward a few months, our boi has gone through some pretty rough stuff.  Addictions to drugs and alcohol and poor decisions led him to late night calls for help to our menos activos.  They did nothing but love and support him and try to help him out.

Then one Sunday, this man walked in to church.  It was raining suuuuper hard and the capilla (chapel) didn´t have any lights.  There weren´t many people there and nothing super amazing happened.  He came to my class of the doctrine and then went to sacrament meeting.  He was a little overwhelmed (as all newbies are) by the hymns and how to sing and all the weird scripture references (provided by yours truly). But he seemed to enjoy himself.

We stopped by his meat shop on Thursday with the now active menos activos to help him clean a bit.  While dodging spiders as big as the palm of my hand (no joke) we chatted and had a good time.

But the really incredible thing happened during lunch.  He poured me a glass of water and I noticed his hands were trembling.  I didn´t say anything and neither did he, but when we left, the menos activos told me something:

This man liked what he felt in church, so he decided to come every sunday, and what´s more amazing (to me) he felt that he needed to completely drop every vice that he had.

and he has.  and that´s the reason for his quaking hands.

I know this gospel is true. I have seen the changes it makes in people´s lives, and I am so grateful to have had this in my life.  I love being here and I love feeling the love the Savior has for all of His children as I am here serving.  I am so glad that I´m a Mormon.


1. stellar rain storm <3

i forgot to tell you all that we got our transfers and i get to chill here and hna fina se va (is leaving).

I´m feeling weird about having 6 months in an area, buuuuut it´s fine. it´ll be cool lol

k, love you all

Monday, 5 March 2018

guess who's back

Back again, my dudes!!

Welcome to Marzo!?¿(March)  I´m feeling 300% shaken by the fact that yet another month has flown by...  I feel like every month i wake up and go through an identity crisis for 3 minutes and think abou thow i got here, who i am, where i´m going, etc.  lol chiste, there´s no time for self doubt, i´m out here to stay and make a difference!!

This week was full of lil adventures here and there.  The most prominent would be the fact that our super rich lookin church has no lights? it´s been a week and we´re still chillin sin luz (without light), buuut it´s cool. that´s what the light of cristo is for, amirite? lol

also, hna fina and i had a lil bonfire moment on our balcony lol.  We both wanted roasted starbursts sooo on the walk home after a long daqy we scavanged for lil pieces of wood and made a fire in a old nasty cake pan aaaand roasted starbursts at 10 pm (:  twas love.

The title of this episode of my life is referring to my least fave lil monsters in the entire world.  se llaman (they're called) mosquitos.  it´s coolin down here and while i´m blessing every grado (degree) that goes, the mosquitos are coming out of hiding and i´m getting comido (eaten).

ya gurl is a type O neg of blood so that means i can share with everybody! (: but the mosquitos have taken advantage and didn´t even let me sign a waiver before robbing my cuerpo (body) of 3 liters of blood.  but it´s cool. I´ve been drinking fluids to counter it.

(i´m in Pehuajó for half the week and the cyber here doesn´t let me send fotos i´m so sorry)

feliz navidad

hola my doooods! i learned how to use emojis *today* sooo there ya have it. aoeihsefaksbiratlksadf. (i kinda put my face on the keyboard to ...