Tuesday, 26 June 2018

good night, sleep tight

HOLA MY DOODZZZ how are you all!

okay so this week was actually pretty crazyyyy but i loved it a ton (as always.)

we went back to TRENQUE LAUQUEN and it was so cool!!!!! I was super super super happy to be able to see my people after not being with them lol but now i´m super stoked to go back and visit them in like 1 week and 5 days to do the next capilla abierta!!

alsoooo sorry for not saludando (saying hello) all of you people yesterday, there was a huge conference for all the people dying this tranny (transfer) in the casa de prez (president's house) and so nala and i were highjacked to cook for the 18 missionaries so we spent yesterday hanging out with the hna cifu cooking for the hungry hippoes.  but it was actually super fun (: also, i got to spend the day walking around barefoot (hna cifu has a thing about keeping her floors SPOTLESS pero mal) so i enjoyed that thoroughly.  there weren´t nasty things getting stuck to my feet and it was amazing (:

alsoooooo gracias a viajar to cualquier lado (thanks to traveling all over the place)........... I HAD THE MISFORTUNE OF RECEIVING A MONTONASO (large mountain) OF BITES FROM BED BUGS THAT INFECTED OUR HOUSEHOLD.  yay.  what a blessing to visit such COCHINAS (pigs) WHO LIVE WITH BUGS IN THEIR BEDS. but hey, we got a huge bottle of chemicals from the office so we´re good now.

another thing, prez and cifua die this weekend and the newbies come in friday night.  i´m lowkey (highkey) unstoked for this change but i´m content to see where it goes and how the new ones are.  i´ll letcha know.


1. pidey en bahía

2. i made a fran (;

3. my child <3

4. yikez man

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

call me mara


so like i´m sure that i told you all before..... this week was nuts! Tonsa of stuff went down and the craziest thing was (almost) that we had our last zone conference with prez and hna cifu.  WHEN I GOT HERE THEY HAD A YEAR LEFT WHERE HAS ALL OF THE TIME GONE.  but it was mega fun.  prez gave us advice on life and everything.  how to school, how to be schooled, how to date, how to get married (but the plan is to be single and una poquita loca for the rest of my dayzzz) it was super rad to see that side of prez la verdad.  HE IS SUCH A COOL DUDE.  i´m totally in his fanclub.  (we´re called the cifuz) ((that´s not actually a thing but we might get it started))

also, reading the bible gave me some insight for all you humans that are buscar-ing for a significant other:  There´s some dude who married 2 ladies cuz one can´t have kids and he wants offspring.  but he lets the first lady know that he rly luvz her a lot and that she´s better by siempre sliding her extra carne under the table.  (preferrably your people won´t have another significant other, buuuuutttt) get urself a human who´ll slide you that sweet slice of steak on the sly.  lol the bible gets me every time.

songs of the week!!
feels by calvin harris
thirft shop by mackelmore (heard at 2 am in a taxi <3)
hello by martin solveig


1. the tallest tower :)

2. kodak compoos

3. ahora cheezin

4. goofiez w prez and his laydee

5. (;

uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis

Hola my dooodz!!! Como estan!!!
How was the cliff hanger for the week??
Im hoping it wasnt too crazy annoying lol.
Well, to make the long story short:
¨Presidente put me in Capilla Abierta!  (that basically means that all the open houses of the churches is under my reign.)
my companions are.... (plural)

Hermana Buckley de Provo!  Shes super cute and super bubbly and fun.
Hermana Naluai!! How cool is that to be with your old compy!  I love it and its super super fun. being with these two amazing humans is actually the coolest.  I didnt realize how insane all the things are with regards to the whole capillas abiertas thingies. lol im feeling a little pressure cuz ive always seen the capilla abierta chicks as super smiley crazy bubbly barbies... and ive always been more into pokemon sooo wish me luck lol (;

lol naw, we had our (my) first open house thingie this saturday and it went super well!  We got everything put together and it all turned out awesome.  I loved it!  It was nutz but i loved it.

but not as much as....

I LOVE YOU MY DUDES!  lol have an awesome week!!

1. Im pretty sure this is the pic of my uncle in tina but idk for sure cuz the terminal (in which we write) is trash and the compus are the werst.

2. russian roulette lol sorry if the foto is garbage

Monday, 4 June 2018

5 strikes and...

I´M OUTTIE!!!  Como estan todos!! (How is everybody)

My dudes. after what has felt like forever and a half I´m leaving TL.  i´m outttttt!! I´m really stoked but it was weirdly bittersweet hanging out in church yesterday for the last time serving here in tl.  also weirdly awesome. lol naw, i´m not that crazy tired of this place bahah.

this week was 300% packeddddd. on tuesday night i had to head on down to bahia with my pal bergsma for a leader training on wednesday and then hang out for the leader meeting on thursday and then hoof it to pehuajo for a zone meeting friday and then hang out in tl for a few days. it was super crazy my dudes.

The freakiest thing was when I was in the big people leader meeting (with all the dead and dying) and hna cifu came up to saludarme (say hello) and after she gave me a hug she kept asking about "the secret" and if i´d told anyone about my assignment or whatever.  and i was like.... "the assignment that i´m an hna lider?" (cuz if i´m in the leader meeting it´s pretty apparent that i´m going to be a leader...) and she was all like ".... you don´t know..." and left.


then prezie came up later during the meeting and pulled me out of the meeting. He´s all like "i´ve gotta apologize for something: you´re not an hermana lider.."
on the outside i´m chillin like vanilla ice BUT ON THE INSIDE I WAS DYING LIKE WHAT WHY AM I HERE IF I´M NOT ONE OF THE BIG BOIZ NOW??

aaaand i´ll leave you guys with that cliff hanger until the next installment of my rants and rumblings of the mission (;


1. my face when they said i´m going

2. bergie and me

3. real life operation (never touch anything in the cole baño)


5. the coolest corrientes

feliz navidad

hola my doooods! i learned how to use emojis *today* sooo there ya have it. aoeihsefaksbiratlksadf. (i kinda put my face on the keyboard to ...