YOMIES HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! wow, we made it to 2018.
best prep your erasers so you can erase the 7 when you write your dates for the next couple months lol. it´s always rough when you get the change. Somehow i´m still writing 2012 soooo, someday i´ll catch up.
This week was definitely a week in argentina! lol, idk what exactly to say. we found a lady who spoke ingles (my comp was ultra stoked) and got some free peaches and limes, rode bikes, found out riding bikes is illegal in the mission (la verdad, i never know stuff is against the rules until i do it and then someone gets mad whoops.) our neighbor from 2 floors down was asking us about the gospel and that was actually super cool. I love when the people are just normal, curious people and don´t throw their evangelico stuff in my face lol. we just had a normal convo asking about what the other person believed and why and it was super wholesome and fun haha. i´m such a missionary, wow.
so, we´re definitely in the christmas spirit cuz everyone is dumping their pan dulce on us. pan dulce is basically the tinan version of fruit cake. thus, the song "fruit cake" by the b52s has been stuck in my head. give it a spin, i rly dig it haha you won´t regret it.
I love my comp a lot. hna finna is always teaching me stuff about how to be a better human in general and is always super stoked to go do everything and it´s so awesome. i love it.
I LOVE YOU DUDES!! go make your "new year, new me" cliches a reality!
1. her first factura (tinan pastry)
2. the elders gave us a str8 animal
3. illegal bike selfie
4. we look like garbage today, but everyone´s sleeping cuz it´s a holiday so it doesn´t matter lol