Hey what´s up hello! (: como han estado!! (how have you been)
sooo this week was actually pretty mellow! I bought a new botella of agua (water bottle) that holds a liter instead of .75 aaaand it´s been a blessing cuz i´m never thirsty in the streets (: BUUUUT it also means that i´m alllllways asking randos to use their bathrooms lol. SO i decided to start taking a selfie in every bathroom i pass by in trenque. luckily they´ve all been really nice hasta ahora (until now)
I got kinda tilted ( i still am ) at the elders cuuuz every 6 weeks we get new agendas (or we should -_-) aaaand they havent given me one and it´s completely used. I AM SO DISORGANIZED PLZ SEND HALP haha but not rly cuz i´ll survive hasta viernes (until Thursday) with my dead schedule book. :´)
also! I learned from some rando that the *best* type of blood is O- because it´s decended from the gods or something like that...
and what type of blood have i?
everything makes so much more sense now. lol i´ve been trapped living in a world populated by a buncha fools decended from simeons.(apes) ;) lol naww you´re all the best haha idk if he´s a good source to receive this info cuz amongst other things, he had some gnarly quotes from Hitler hanging on his walls... I´ll do some research and get back to ya (;
everything makes so much more sense now. lol i´ve been trapped living in a world populated by a buncha fools decended from simeons.(apes) ;) lol naww you´re all the best haha idk if he´s a good source to receive this info cuz amongst other things, he had some gnarly quotes from Hitler hanging on his walls... I´ll do some research and get back to ya (;